The availability of outputs of the ITDMC through optic lines from two different connection junctions provides technical opportunities to lease the servers. The server infrastructure equipped with the modern equipment enables the full safe use of the information without the time loss from outside. It's possible to use the copies of the information belonging to the users in a guaranteed manner, update periodically and place the users' server equipment in the server room upon the users' desires.
The following systems have been installed to ensure the sustainable exploitation:
-Power supply with high voltage entering from two independent sources; -Double reserved modern transformer substation; -Main and reserve diesel generators; -Main and reserve Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPSs) that can ensure the server operation for 4 hours; -Two cooling systems as main and reserve; -Automated gas fire protection system; -Video control system; -Monitoring system and protection for 24/7.
There is a Reserve Data Center in Shamakhi with all the technical systems to store the reserve copies of the data. The RDC's monitoring and video control are carried out by the local experts and those in Baku city.